Thursday, November 25, 2010


In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, it says "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." And on this thursday, I found a song that is excactly what this verse means... Its sad that we all have to take one day to be "thankful" for anything, and everything, but, that should change soon. We should always be thankful for the life we have, the people in our lives, and necessities, that that hels us maintain our lives. So, without family around, without friends, or anything but me and this computer, right now, I just want to list a couple of things that I am thankful for personally... 1st, Im thankful for simply, the people that I call family. My family is not only the blood relations, but the friends that Ive shared laughs, tears, good times, and bad times with... Without yall, life would be pointless, and lonlier than it is now. :) But Im content... and Im also very thankful for another year, where I can share and express that love. Its the small things that makes the biggest difference in life. :) Now, this weeks song is entitled Thank You Lord (For All You've Done For Me)" By Walter Hawkins.. This song holds a special place in my heart, because, Ive sung this song a lot of times when I was with the St. Martin de Porres School Gospel Chior... and even today, some 20+ years since singing it, it still holds true, and feels good to hear. :) So, I do encourage you to listen to the entire song, and must allow yourself to be taken away by the words... Cause when you focus, and youre thankful, worries melt, wounds heal, and that undescribable feeling of happiness overtakes you. :) But, anyways, no further delay, I give you "Thank You Lord (For All You've Done For Me)." HAPPY THANKSGIVING! :)

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